As Keats once wrote, "Oh to be in England, now that Autumn's Here." The sun is shining as I write, Ming is sleeping peacefully, giving me added time to be in control, the air is bitterly cold, and Hallowe'en approaches. Speaking of Hallowe'en, The Cavaliers have a new single out, called appropriately, Halloween.
The Cavaliers have a launch night on the 31st October. Press and record companies should be present. Fingers crossed for success at last! Full details can be found on their website:
Gambling Hearts also have a new song on their website, Never Alone. A really great sound. you can listen to this in full at:
For those not in the know, my younger son, Maff, is the inspiration and writer of all the Cavalier's music, and elder son, Si, is likewise with Gambling Hearts. Such talent, and two great guys to boot. They certainly take after me!
Enough plugging!
Returning to Autumn, the trees are a golden brown and the sky is cornflower blue. This is a lovely time of the year. The excitement of Christmas starts to build up, escalating into a blaze of happiness, merriment and true wonder of the magic of the Nativity. Even non-believers must feel warmth at the sight of the crib.
Happy Days!
"Ming is sleeping peacefully..." you sound as if you put tucked me up in bed! ;-) Just kidding. Great new singles by the Cavaliers and Gambling Hearts - can't stop listening to them! Wow... "the trees are a golden brown and the sky is cornflower blue" - sounds gloriously Blyton!
Erm... "put" shouldn't be in the first sentence - I edited and forgot to remove the word!! ;-)
Oy, the link to the Cavaliers album doesn't work. Check it again!
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