My good friend Keith has got a bee in his bonnet about Spam. Well, I don't blame him for that. Spam is the cancer of the email world. Chain emails encouraging you to "send this message to ten people" just inflate inboxes. You send 10, each of those send 10 - that's a hundred pointless emails due to 2 people!
I didn't realise the potential danger in eCards though, (Thanks Ming for not stopping me sending one to Anita). I have unwittingly "sold" email addresses to countless people now. Is it really that dangerous Keith? I thought I was the world's greatest cynic, but I see there is room for improvement.
So, on to Blogging, and linking. It took me a couple of days to get my head round this linking thing. My little Bangladeshi pal tried really hard to
a) Convince me it was worthwhile and not just a pointless excercise
b) Explain how to do it - she's not the planet's best teacher....
Anyway, my previously mentioned good friend and mentor, Keith, has sent me a blog tag. I guess I'd better comply, if I don't I will only look like a fuddy-duddy, and I can't have that. Naturally there are rules!
- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Share six quirks about you.
- Tag other people, and at the end of your post, link to their blogs.
- Let each of them know you have tagged them by leaving a comment on their blog.
The person who tagged me, as I have said, is Keith - I've linked to him, check above!
Now for my peculiar traits!
1) I can't stand skin left on cooked potatoes. Why should I have to prepare my own vegetables in a restaurant when I'm paying?
2) I hate stupid figures of speech, such as "Oh my God", "basically", "Like" and so on.
3) I detest and never (well, hardly ever) use txt spk. My texts are grammatically correct and properly spelt.
4) I like a pint of beer to be in the correct glass. I can't stand drinking Abbot Ale out of a Guinness glass - I'm not even that keen on drinking Guinness out of a Guinness glass!
5) I have to straighten pictures and ensure that everything is symmetrical.
6) I can't see the point in tagging.
My tags for now, then?
Keith, at The Secret Blog because I love reading his blogs!
Ming, at Ming's Busy Days, because she's such a whirling dervish, I simply have to keep an eye on her.
Okay, that's only two for now, but I'm getting bored with this already! In any case, I'm sure the general gist of it is plain to see.
Bag of chips, Keith?